Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Black Cats Broken Mirrors and Ladders

Its that time at the beginning of the season when fans form an opinion on the 7 brave lads their promoter has put together. Whatever your thoughts on the proposed Rockets septet for 2012 and as most people know mine were pretty positive you can't help feeling sorry for Uncle Len who's had more medical drama than a Casualty box set over the last week. To lose you're number one rider is unlucky to lose your number two is catastrophic and then to lose your best reserve??? Well if the Fast Show made a comeback move over Paul Whitehouse there's only one man in line for the role of Unlucky Alf! Quite whether a bunch of Black Cats were crushed a score of ladders were walked under or every mirror Chez Silver smashed there is no explanation for so much bad luck.
So we are left to soldier on with a team held together by elastoplast until scaphoids and ankle ligaments heal and a new number one arrives on a dashing white charger. So fair play to the lads that remain for the win against an equally jinxed Ipswich. Leigh looks class Luke's latest injuries didn't hold him back and Little Ben lifted the mood by beating Kevin Doolan. I'm sure young Jason will have better days and it certainly won't get him down. As Steve Webb said to me afterwards he's the biggest character we've had here since Kelvin Mullarky.
The weekend brings a trip to Plymouth now minus the errant Steve Boxall, no real surprise there and plus the occasionally brilliant Corey Gathercole. A tough one there I think. Then its back home with our adopted Yorkshire son Josh Auty coming up against his old mates. The lads made so many guest appearances over the years surely he deserves at least a caravan in the car park.
Fingers crossed there are no more trips to casualty perhaps Uncle Len will be out there rounding up black cats chopping up ladders and making sure he doesn't look in another mirror until November just to be on the safe side!
Up The Rockets!

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