Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Three Berwicks Below Freezing!

Does everyone have a sporting event that sticks in the mind so much that it becomes the measure that all events are judged against in future or is it just me? In my mind the boring nature of all football matches is measured in comparison with Watford 0 Bury 0 Saturday 20th March 1999 quite simply the worst game I have ever attended. An old radio mate of mine used to regularly come out with the phrase "and my wife thinks I'm out enjoying myself!" On that occasion he was dead right both teams could have gone on until Christmas and they wouldn't have scored. Now when it comes to speedway and more precisely the temperature everything gets measured against Rye House Rockets v Berwick 3rd May 2010. It might have been May but those of you who braved it might remember seeing a few Polar Bears wandering along the river that day. A 59-33 win and paid 14 for Linus did nothing to raise the temperature in the Video Suite (as Craig now calls it!) with both cameraman and commentator freezing our whatsits off. I've played the DVD back a few times and I swear I can hear my teeth chattering. So when Len appealed to the crowd last Saturday after the unfortunate Dylan Black had been taken away in the ambulance (with thankfully not a broken arm as feared) it was fairly obvious what the answer would be. The weather had thrown us a half Berwick and lets face it despite their best efforts the Americans were hardly at the races for most of the night. Quite why that is I'm not sure as they seemed to have no trouble in turning over Buxton the following day. Still Ritchie and Jason got some track time which hopefully they will both put to good use on Saturday when the Plymouth "Top Heavy" Devils are in town. Messrs Barker and Fisher will no doubt prove a handful Cory Gathercole will be exciting to watch but I'm not sure about the rest of the line-up. Hopefully though after last weekend the gloves will stay in the bag and we won't be measuring the temperature in Berwicks!

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